Destiny College Ogbomoso (Freshmen Edition) Registration - TARM International



Destiny College is one of the training arms of Transfiguration Ark Revival Ministry int’l under her discipleship mission. Our goal is to, by the reason of this training, raise a generation of young people who understand and live kingdom principles and are prepared to become ambassadors of this Kingdom in their spheres of influence. We teach you to observe. Your studentship of Destiny College is premised on your acceptance of our terms and conditions enumerated below.

  1. The training shall run in one calendar year.
  2. Training classes shall hold every Sundays commencing 3pm prompt and ending 6.00 pm except on special occasions and meetings.
  3. All students are expected to be on their seats by 3pm prompt. Arriving any time later than 10 minutes after 3pm shall be regarded as late coming which might disqualify you from attendance that day.
  4. You are expected to be in class every Sunday. Consistency in attendance is a strong basis for continuity in this training, absence without permission is not allowed. Permission for absence will not be granted on reasons that are flimsy and avoidable.
  5. You are expected to report to class ALWAYS with your Bible (in hardcopy), jotting pad and pen and pay serious attention to your training.
  6. You are to participate fully in all meetings and activities of the College including specialized ones as announced/arranged by the leadership of the College.
  7. You are to submit to and fully cooperate with leadership in the process of your training. Rebellion against leadership will not be condoned.
  8. You are expected to live up to the standard of the truth you are being taught. Your life after class matters to us more. Living a life contrary to what you are being taught will lead to a termination of your studentship. You are an ambassador of this training.
  9. You are not permitted to engage in comparison, competition, argument or judgment of anybody outside or within this training. Your training is personal not communal.
  10. This training is neither an anti-church or anti-fellowship movement. You are expected to represent this training well in either your church or fellowship.
  11. If you are found to default in any of these terms or found in a spirit deviant to the spirit of Jesus Christ as reflected in this training, we reserve the right to terminate your studentship anytime within the course of this training.


I promise to abide by the terms of this training as enumerated above. I promise to be faithful, loyal and obedient to the principles, lessons, dealings, life pattern, leadership and disciplines taught and upheld here. I will do my best to represent God and this College well through my life and my living.

Please upload a passport photograph of yourself. The image should be in PNG or JPEG format and not larger than 500KB.
Transfiguration Ark Revival Mission ©2020 | All rights reserved